Plainedge Library Service began in in September of 1957 in the Plainedge, Long Island NY, Community. A small collection of donated books was proved by the local Kiwanis club provided service only to those who paid a membership fee. Due to a lack of financial support this library ceased operation after two years. In 1960, a group of Plainedge citizens organized a small community Library which was housed in one room in the Southedge Junior High. The entire Library was stocked with donated books and staffed entirely by volunteers. In 1962, at the height of the school district's enrollment, the room was needed for school purposes and the small community Library was closed. To continue to provide Library Service to the community residents established referendum for a tax-supported public Library, On November 17, 1962 voters overwhelmingly approved the Plainedge Library. Its New York State Provisional Charter was granted in March of 1963. The Plainedge Public Library officially opened October 22, 1963. It was located in the Midlawn Shopping Center on Hicksville Road in a corner store. A second store was rented several doors away in 1964 and was used as a Children's Room as the Plainedge Libary expanded..
As the community grew, so did the demand for expanded Library services. The 2,000 square feet divided between two stores was improved upon when on October 22, 1966, Plainedge residents voted for a bond to construct a Library building. Plainedge Library received a New York State Public Construction Grant that covered 35% of the total cost. The community paid two thirds of the cost, $426,735 of the total cost of $656,500. The Plainedge Library grew to a 20,000 square foot, modern Library across the street from the original store front library on Monday, September 9, 1968. 600 Plainedge residents came to the new Plainedge Library and by weeks end 200 Library Cards were issued and 8,500 books were borrowed. It was reported that Plainedge residents had been waiting for this day for 15 years. The pemanent New York State Charter was received on September 28, 1968.
Today Plainedge Libary has books, videos, and other items for rent including some garden items! Plainedge has a used book section which is very popular. Both old books and many donations from residents are sold for 1o & 25 cents. You may donate your books to the Plainedge Libary as well.
To enjoy Plainedge online services visit the Plainedge Libary official website. |